Credit Repair Agency Vs. Credit Repair Attorney

When you’ve struggled with your credit – for whatever reason – you may need assistance to get your finances back on track. Primarily your choices are between contacting a credit repair agency and retaining an attorney. But what does that choice mean for you? 

My name is Jeffery Wilson, and I’m an attorney. At my firm, I provide clients with skilled, strong representation in credit-related matters. I have studied the law and know how to help people struggling with credit problems that aren’t their fault. There are significant differences between an attorney and a credit repair agency, and I’d like to explain the difference between your options.

What You Get With A Credit Repair Agency

A credit repair agency is a business primarily dedicated to helping people take the prescribed steps to fix errors on a credit report. When you work with them, they have the forms you need and send letters to the appropriate place. However, sending letters is something you can do. And the credit repair agency has roughly the same authority to fix the issue as you do.

A few credit repair agencies are really good.  Many are basement operations with one person sending letters. Most don’t know any more about the credit industry than you do. If that doesn’t inspire confidence in you, that’s pretty natural.

What You Get With Me

I am an attorney licensed in multiple states and multiple federal jurisdictions.  I have recovered over a million dollars from defendants who reported errors on my client’s credit reports. I’m not somebody stuck in a basement; I’ve been trained on this. The credit bureaus are billion-dollar entities with no reason to listen to your pleas without a little – or not so little – push. I know how to push these billion-dollar entities – they don’t push me.

Not only am I able to correct/clean your repair and your credit, but I can also get you compensated for all of the harm and stress that you’ve received as a result of dealing with this.

Reach Out For Assistance

When your credit is in jeopardy, you need skilled, immediate assistance from a source that can back up their words. I can do that. I help people in Atlanta and across the country take control of their credit back to avoid the most painful parts of having a low credit score. Contact my office at 844-217-9296 or send me an email.